EPA Brownfields Assessment Grant Status


联合卷烟机公司从1907年到1956年在格林街2501号运营. Photo courtesy of the Lynchburg Museum.


EPA and State Brownfields Grants to date: By evaluating abandoned, 未充分利用和日益恶化的工业和商业场所, 纽约市希望刺激整个社区的经济发展和振兴. 经济发展局向环保署申请拨款,以提供所需的财政资源,使该市继续从重工业和工业经济向更多样化和更有活力的经济气候转型. 该项目提供了增加住宅和商业物业价值的机会.

  • $400,000 Grant awarded September 2015
  • $300,000 Grant awarded September 2018
  • $50,000 Grant awarded August 2020
  • $183,389 State Grants (4 Total)

For more information, please contact: 
Marjette Upshur, Director of Economic Development
Phone: 434.455.4492
Email: marjette.upshur@lynchburgva.gov 

What properties have been addressed to date?


  • Former White Star Steam Laundry & Mid State Electrical SupplyChurch & 12th Streets
  • Former Waytec Electronics Site, McConville Road
  • Former Gould Batteries Site, Carroll Avenue
  • Former United Cigarette Machine Co., Greene Street
  • Former Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, Langhorne Road
  • 前皮埃蒙特快递/货运设施,默里广场
  • Lynchburg Grows, Englewood Street
  • Former Auto Sales / Service Center, 5th Street
  • 前林奇堡铸造仓库遗址,加内特街

Conceptual drawing for 2501 Greene Street

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棕地通常集中在城市地区,但它们实际上可以在任何地方. 它们通常是废弃或未充分利用的商业或工业场所, such as manufacturing facilities, warehouse, gas stations, machine shops, and dry cleaning facilities, 但它们甚至可以包括住宅物业, at some point, hazardous substances might have been used.

Do I own a brownfield?
Maybe. 问问你自己:我的土地或财产是空置的,还是生产力低于应有水平? Are there concerns about environmental contamination? 如果你对这两个问题的回答都是肯定的,你可能拥有一片棕地.

Who is involved in brownfields redevelopment?
私人和公共组织在评估中发挥作用, cleaning up and redeveloping brownfield sites. 主要参与者包括州和联邦环境机构, economic development and planning agencies, citizen and community groups, commercial lenders, technical consultants, legal counsel, local government agencies, developers, investors, and real estate professionals.

Are there incentives for brownfields redevelopment? 
Yes. In addition to direct financial assistance, federal, 业主和开发商可以享受州和地方税收优惠,以帮助降低棕地项目的成本. 联邦税收激励措施包括《赌博十大平台排行》, 哪项规定允许符合条件的纳税人在发生费用的当年扣除合格的棕地清理费用, 对1936年以前建造的建筑物的修复费用给予10%的修复所得税抵免.

How much may cleanup cost?
Many factors affect the cost of cleanup. For example, 如果场地下的地下水除土壤外受到污染, the cost of cleanup is likely to be much higher. 如果受污染的物质需要运离现场进行处理, that will also increase the cost. 成本还将取决于适用于该物业未来使用的标准. 如果棕地物业被修复为商业用途标准而不是住宅标准, the cleanup will typically be less expensive. 清理的费用也会受到是否有其他当事人的影响, such as previous owners, 谁可能对污染负有潜在责任,谁必须分担清理费用.

How long may cleanup take?
Cleanup will vary according to the level, type, amount, and extent of contamination, as well as cleanup standards that apply to the site. 一个土壤或地下水受到严重污染的场地,要清理到符合居住标准,需要的时间要比一个污染最小、用于工业目的的场地长. 诸如一年中的时间或异常恶劣的天气等因素也可能影响清理的持续时间.

What are the community benefits?
许多棕地位于社区中不吸引人的、经济萧条的部分. 这些地方的清理和重建鼓励了更高的财产价值,并创造了就业机会, in addition to creating a safer, cleaner, healthier space to house businesses and residences.

Definitions & Acronyms

Brownfields – Real property, either presently in use or vacant, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by a previous use. Assessing, 减轻(如有必要)和再投资于这些财产保护环境, reduces blight, and takes development pressures off green spaces.

Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) -为确定污染程度而进行的现场评估或评估, if any, of contamination on a property. 评估可以是非正式的,也可以是正式的,并且可以由几个阶段组成. For example, a Phase I ESA, or basic study of possible contamination at a site, 是否仅限于收集过去和现在的场地使用情况和检查目前的情况. 第二阶段欧空局可以在第一阶段欧空局的基础上进行取样和分析
contaminated areas of a site. 第三阶段评估可以是第二阶段评估的后续:1)收集有关污染确切程度的信息;或2)为场地清理准备计划和备选方案.

综合环境反应、赔偿和责任法案(CERCLA或超级基金) -一项联邦法规,规定调查和清理受有害物质污染的场所. 该法律设立了一个信托基金,政府可以用它来清理国家重点名单上的地点.


Lynchburg EDA获得EPA拨款启动中城重建
Posted by Lynchburg EDA on Jul 13, 2015

Posted by Lynchburg EDA on Oct 1, 2015

Posted by Lynchburg EDA on March 17, 2017

Posted by Lynchburg EDA on December 20, 2017

Posted by Lynchburg EDA April 26, 2018 

Lynchburg News & Advance, March 3, 2019